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What Is Wayfinding Signage? And Why Does It Matter?

Monday March 18, 2019


From parks and commercial shopping centers to neighborhoods and college campuses, wayfinding signage is found nearly everywhere. It's called "wayfinding" because it helps motorists and pedestrians find their way. When a motorist or pedestrian encounters wayfinding signage, he or she can use it to locate nearby points of interests. While all wayfinding signage serves this fundamental purpose, they are available in a variety of colors, sizes, shapes and styles. To learn more about wayfinding signage and why it matters, keep reading.

Can Street Name Signs Be Mounted on the Same Poles as Traffic Signs?

Friday March 15, 2019


If you're developing a new residential community -- or if you're looking to update an existing community -- you might be wondering if it's acceptable to mount street name signs on the same poles or bases as traffic signs. Both street name signs and road signs are essential to residential communities. Street name signs guide motorists and pedestrians alike to their intended destination, whereas traffic signs provide control measures to reduce the risk of vehicle collisions. However, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has rules developers and municipalities must follow when using signage. So, can you mount street name signs on the same poles or bases as traffic signs?

How to Choose Outdoor Lighting for Your Community or Commercial Property

Friday March 08, 2019


Outdoor lighting is used to illuminate and enhance the aesthetics of residential communities as well as commercial properties. Typically consisting of a weather-resistant pole affixed with one or more light fixtures, outdoor lighting illuminates the surrounding space when the sun goes down. Not only does this help people see when traveling through the area; it also creates a safer environment by deterring criminal activity. With so many types of outdoor lighting, however, how do you know which one is right for your community or commercial property?

5 Tips on Cleaning and Maintaining Cluster Mailbox Units

Saturday March 02, 2019


As the United States Postal Service (USPS) continues to encourage the use of cluster mailbox units (CBUs), you can expect to see more of these centralized mail delivery systems in apartments, neighborhoods and other residential communities. CBUs streamline mail pickup and delivery by couriers by allowing them to collect and drop off mail for many residents at a single location. Rather than visiting each resident's unit to drop off mail, for example, a courier can visit the community's CBU, which contains a secure mailbox for each resident.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Curbside Mailboxes in Your Residential Community

Friday February 22, 2019

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After purchasing curbside mailboxes for your residential community, you'll need to install them. While this sounds easy enough, though, there are certain steps you must take to ensure the mailboxes are safely and securely installed. Unfortunately, some developers and property managers are guilty of making one or more of the following mistakes when installing their curbside mailboxes.

What Is Retroreflectivity in Traffic and Street Signs?

Tuesday February 12, 2019


Nighttime driving carries a higher risk of collision than daytime driving due to lack of sunlight. While most highways and roads are illuminated with street lamps, they don't provide the same level of lighting as the sun. Because of this, roughly half of all collisions occur at night, even though only 75% of travel happens during the day. To help reduce the risk of nighttime collisions, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires developers and contractors to use traffic and street signs with a minimum amount of retroreflectivity.

The Beginner's Guide to Choosing Wayfinding Signs

Friday February 08, 2019


From residential communities and historic city districts to commercial shopping centers, parks, hospital, schools and more, wayfinding signs are used in a variety of areas. The primary purpose of wayfinding signs is to assist visitors in navigating the area where they are used. A local park, for example, may feature wayfinding signs directing visitors to the picnic tables, restrooms and walking trials, while a commercial shopping center may feature wayfinding signs for the various businesses and their respective address number. But if you're planning to buy wayfinding signs for your development project, you'll need to choose the right ones to ensure that visitors can easily navigate it.

Are Your Steet Name Signs MUTCD Compliant? Here's What You Should Know

Friday February 01, 2019


There are more than 4 million miles of road in the United States, according to data published by the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). To help drivers navigate these roads, community developers use signs displaying the respective street's name. While all street name signs feature the name of the street, though, developers must use signs that comply with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Otherwise, the local municipality may force the developer to take them down. So, how do you know if your street name signs are MUTCD compliant?

Cohesion: The Secret to Designing an Attractive Neighborhood or Community

Friday January 25, 2019


As the country's real estate market continues to rebound from the 2008 bubble, more neighborhoods and residential communities are popping up. From the East Coast to the West, the number of newly constructed homes is steadily increasing -- and this trend isn't expected to change anytime soon. If you've been given the task of developing a new neighborhood or community, though, you should strive for a cohesive design.

The Rise of Cluster Mailbox Units in US Neighborhoods

Thursday January 17, 2019


Cluster mailbox units (CBUs) have been around for more than half-century, with the United States Postal Service (USPS) releasing the first official curbside CBU in 1967. Since then, they've become the preferred mail delivery system for apartments. A typical apartment complex has about 100 to 300 units. Rather than designating a curbside mailbox for each of these units -- or requiring couriers to hand-deliver each tenant's mail to his or her apartment -- just a few CBUs can be used. While CBUs will likely remain the leading mail delivery system for apartments, they are also becoming more popular in neighborhoods.