When developing a neighborhood or residential community, you should consider choosing a green mail delivery system. This doesn't mean that you should literally install green-colored mailboxes. Rather, you should "go green" by choosing an environmentally friendly mail delivery system. By doing your part, you'll promote a cleaner Earth while helping residents send and collect their respective mail in the process.
In traffic control devices, red is universally recognized as the color for stop, whereas green is universally recognized as the color for go. A common example is a traditional stoplight. When the light is red, motorists know to stop. Once the light turns green, motorists can let their foot off the brake pedal and proceed through the intersection. Of course, traffic signs also rely on these two colors to safely guide motorists through the country's roadways. This begs the question: Why is the color red used to convey stop and the color green used to convey go?
When installing new curbside mailboxes in a neighborhood or residential community, you'll need to choose the right type of posts. The post, of course, is the support system on which a curbside mailbox is mounted. Although there are exceptions, most curbside mailboxes are used in conjunction with a post. But there are different types of posts available, some of which work better than others. So, what type of posts should you use for your neighborhood's or residential community's curbside mailboxes?
Regardless of where you live in the United States, you've probably noticed an increase in the number of vehicles on the road. While the exact number is unknown, research shows that are currently over a quarter-million vehicles registered in the United States. As the country's population continues to increase, this number will likely rise in its wake.
When choosing curbside mailboxes to use in your neighborhood or residential community, one of the decisions you'll have to make is whether to use full-service or limited-service mailboxes. The United States Postal Service (USPS) allows for both types of mailboxes. You can find full-service and limited-service mailboxes available in contemporary and traditional designs. So, what's the difference between these two types of mailboxes?