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What Is a Limited Service Mailbox?

Monday August 03, 2020


Not all curbside mailboxes are the same. While they are used to facilitate the delivery of mail, the United States Postal Service (USPS) classifies them in different ways. There are traditional and contemporary curbside mailboxes, for instance. A traditional curbside mailbox is any type of mailbox that features a traditional dome-rectangular-shape, whereas a contemporary curbside mailbox is any type of mailbox that features an alternative shape. Along with traditional and contemporary, though, there are limited service mailboxes. What is a limited service mailbox exactly?

What Materials Can Curbside Mailboxes Be Made Of?

Thursday July 30, 2020


If you're shopping for new curbside mailboxes, you might be wondering what materials are allowed. The United States Postal Service (USPS) requires manufacturers to follow specific guidelines when designing curbside mailboxes. Unless a curbside mailbox is made of an appropriate material, it will be rejected. Rejected mailboxes, of course, can't be used for mail delivery purposes. So,w hat materials can curbside mailboxes be made of?

Can Curbside Mailboxes Feature the Names of Residents?

Friday July 24, 2020


Curbside mailboxes have been used for over a century to deliver mail to U.S. households. Even with the advent of centralized mail delivery systems, including STD-4C mailboxes and Cluster Box Units (CBUs), they remain the most common mail delivery system. Because they are governed by the United States Postal Service (USPS), however, residents often wonder if they can place their name on their curbside mailbox. In this post, you'll learn more about the USPS's labeling requirements and whether names are allowed.

6 Fun Facts About the United States Postal Service (USPS)

Wednesday July 15, 2020


The United States Postal Service (USPS) provides mail delivery services to millions of American consumers and businesses. In fact, it's legally required to serve everyone in the United States, regardless of their location. Whether you live on the East Coast, the West Coast or in a middle state, you can use the USPS to send and receive mail. While most people are familiar with the USPS's basic services, though, there are probably some things you don't know about it.

Choosing the Right Location for a Centralized Mail Delivery System

Tuesday July 07, 2020


If you're planning to use a centralized mail delivery system in your neighborhood or residential community, you'll need to choose an appropriate location for it. The United States Postal Service (USPS) serves over 150 million households each day. As the U.S. population increases, so will the USPS's number of daily delivery points. Centralized mail delivery systems allow the USPS to deliver multiple households' mail at a single and convenient location. Whether you use Cluster Box Units or STD-4C mailboxes, though, you might be wondering where to install your centralized mail delivery system.

The Complete Guide to STD-4B Mailboxes

Friday June 05, 2020


There are several types of centralized mail delivery systems supported by the United States Postal Service (USPS), including STD-4B mailboxes. Like all centralized mail delivery systems, STD-4B mailboxes don't consist of individual and separate mailboxes. Rather, they consist of a single wall-mounted unit that contains multiple mailbox compartments. If you're unfamiliar with the STD-4B mailboxes, keep reading to learn more about this traditional centralized mail delivery system and how it works.

Wood Posts and Aluminum Street Sign Mounting Brackets

Wednesday June 03, 2020


Looking for contemporary street signage or mailboxes at an economical price? Look no further than Forsite. Forsite can provide you with standard and custom aluminum sign mounting brackets and mailbox components to go with your standard 4x4 or 3x3 wood post.

Where to Obtain Replacement Keys for Cluster Mailboxes (CBUs)

Wednesday May 20, 2020


Are Mailboxes Considered Federal Property?

Friday May 15, 2020


Mailboxes make it easy for consumers, as well as businesses, to send and receive tangible letters and small packages. Rather than delivering mail themselves, consumers and businesses can use the services of the United States Postal Service (USPS). On any given day, the USPS delivers over 187 million pieces of mail to recipients across the country. And because mailboxes are used exclusively by the USPS -- as opposed to private parcel and package delivery companies -- many people assume that they are federal property. So, are mailboxes really considered federal property?

Workstation Separators for Covid19 Distancing

Friday May 15, 2020


As the country begins to re-open businesses and recreation facilities across the country the safety of residents, employees and customers is at an all time high. Forsite can provide HOA's, property management companies, businesses and restaurants workstation separators stands for almost any size and shape that you need. Give residents, clients, patrons and staff “peace of mind”….Help them stay COVID-Free. Our workstation separators are custom designed for country clubs, community club houses, hair salons, barber shops, restaurants, tattoo parlors, spas & many other service retailers, industrial and commercial businesses. They create a transparent barrier for separating salon/spa workstations, restaurant tables, check-out counters and many others.